Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Arcadia Avenue block 2

I worked on block#2 for the block of the month (BOM) called "Arcadia Avenue" from Sonflower Quilts. Even though they look hard, they're actually very easy once you get your supplies set up and just start paper piecing. I really am enjoying doing this BOM. So for this block, it called for making the gray the outlined stars - but I decided to do it in black. It all went together very easy - the stars all lined up. But then for some reason, I couldn't get the center to line up. I didn't want to take out stitching for a paper pieced project, so I improvised - I appliqued a black circle over the center. I think it works!

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We are here to provide you with affordable professional quality machine quilting and custom made-to-order quilts.

We specialize in:

  • T-shirt Quilts - We start with your T-shirts, jerseys, and uniforms to create a beautiful and useful quilt that will last for a lifetime.

  • Memorial/Clothing Quilts - We use your loved one's t-shirts or other clothing to create of quilt in memory of them.

    Whatever services we provide for you, be assured that your quilt will be handled and stitched with the same care, dedication and attention that I would put into one of my own quilts.
    I look forward to working with you and making you a life long client.